Home decoration items are priceless souvenirs for redecorating your room or just bringing back spontaneity to the dusty decor of any room. Small ornaments could appeal to great effect and make a room as if well arranged.
Accessories such as teapots or an art collection enhance the beauty of some items and increase the functionality of others, as well as reflecting one’s personality.
Home accessories can be eye-catching – the teapot, the sculpture on the mantel, the vase and those houseplants, where your home designer choices come across. From seashells to family photos, books and globes, to painted plates and souvenirs from travels around the world, these decorative accessories reflect collections and hobbies, and hint at the passions, beliefs and interests of a homeowner.
The selection of home accessories requires an aesthetic identification of objects that provide a complementary or contrasting balance to the core design theme of a room or house. The colour palette is the central compass setting for this movement, while tone, shape, size, etc define the secondary points by which all other movements will be made.
This rule is especially relevant when it comes to home decor: too many accessories in a room will start to overwhelm its design, leading to visual clutter. And remember that big is not necessarily better. If you group accessories in odd numbers, like three or five, they will present a more balanced shape to the eye. Finally, choose accessories that are functional. Trays that stack magazines or vases that hold flowers definitely ‘do’ something besides look pleasing.
Home decor accessories give the home owner an opportunity to communicate their styling art with creative home accessaries. From wall-mounted pieces of art to pillow collections, these home objects add drama and excitement to any room and are easily swapped out or changed in a heartbeat for a seasonal look or to celebrate trends or a general aesthetic without the need to renovate the room completely.
Accessories can also overpower, with too many swallowed up by their surroundings. Homeowners should be discriminating, adding them selectively – somewhat like garnishing a meal. The best complement a room’s colourway or enhance its visual balance, like the basket in Figure 7¬-9 perhaps: a lovely piece on its own, while also creating a place to store throw blankets. Textures and materials that don’t usually go together make for dynamic compositions as well, enticing the eye with their beauty and layering (a rustic wooden tray topped with a sleek glass vase, for example). The combinations are up to us.
Scale and Proportion
One way to achieve this visually is by using scale and proportion in home décor. Proportion refers to the relative size of objects, such as an overall image – for example, a David with blades of grass at the base of him to match the size of his arms and legs, torso and head. Scale is the actual size of objects relative to their surroundings.
In selecting furniture and accessories for any room, think in terms of scale; for example, never choose anything taller or wider than one-third the length or height of what it is to be placed upon. This will help to ensure it works with the rest and doesn’t dominate the space.
Good proportion is also important: you can draw attention to a vivid sofa by placing something similar next to it, in a complementary way. Repetition of decorative items helps tie everything together: several small prints also appear larger if they’re grouped together, in frames or on trays.
Personal Style
Accessories are the final touches that make a house a home, the chance to showcase your style, or even expose a story about yourself and your family. Take the china collected by your grandmother, or shells collected on an exotic holiday – accessories bring character and personal touches to your living environment.
They can also lend contrast of style for a curated look and offer dimension to a space: for example, pairing sleek minimal contemporary vases with different shapes and colours against a rustic or classical piece of furniture.
When you decide to buy accessories to decorate your home, like an ideal home decorator you will be faced with many issues and have to consider different points. First of all, it depends on the room you want to buy for and the different decision to take are: symmetry, proportion, color, texture and functionality. In a word, to decorate your home finding a balance among them is the most important decision to take. On the other side, we only have one chance to design our rooms. Giving space to our fantasy and imagination, every one of us, can create a fabulous room costing little money. Indeed, by thinking about which are values and style, you can create an elegant space full of your personal taste. It can be classic, modern, vibrant, there are so many possibilities.