Busy House Painter Painting the Trim And Shutters of A Home.
Before you decide on the perfect color to paint your house outside, you should think about the surrounding landscape. For example, if the house is surrounded by natural greenery, you may want to choose a shade of green that is reminiscent of the lush forest outside. Lighter shades of green are better suited to homes that are surrounded by landscaping. Darker colors, such as blue or green, can blend better with lighter shades of green. Light colors may also be paired with light shades of brown or black.
When selecting a color for the exterior of your home, remember that your neighborhood’s style and location can have an impact on your final choice. Look for examples of exterior house painting in your neighborhood to get some inspiration. You can also ask a local painting contractor or paint store for their recommendations. Chances are, they have completed a few house painting projects around town. You may even want to ask a neighbor who painted their home in a color you like.
If you’re looking to update the look of an older home, try an earthy gray. Behr has one of the most popular exterior paint colors, Polar Bear 75, which works well with brown trim and natural wood tones. This hue also goes well with gray-based siding. To match this paint color with a more modern home, combine it with a contrasting color, such as greenery or red. Lastly, consider the overall design theme of your home.
If you don’t like the warm whites and grays of many houses, try a shade of blue. Navy blue is a deep shade of blue, with a slight violet undertone, similar to orchids. It’s sure to make your house stand out among other houses. Purple-blue is not a common choice for house exteriors, but it can add a touch of elegance to a modern home.
It’s also important to keep in mind the neighborhood. Some colors fade quickly and can scare away potential buyers. Bright colors may look great to you, but can turn potential buyers away. Make sure to check the rules of your HOA before selecting the color of your house. You might be able to find a good combination of colors that will look good on your home. If you’re unsure about the colors that are right for your house, you can also consult a paint professional.
If you’re not sure of which color to pick, try testing three paint samples outside. If you’re not sure, you can test a few colors on poster boards and place them in the shade or the sun. Then, try holding up the sample against stone or brick to see how they look. This is especially important if you plan on painting your house in the near future. Remember that stone and brick have the veto over a house’s color!
When choosing the paint color for your home, remember to consider your lifestyle. If you want to sell your home soon, choose a color that will be welcoming and bring you the most happiness. Try to find a color that will complement your style while concealing imperfections. A well-chosen exterior paint color will also increase your home’s value. Keep in mind that your house’s color will be the first impression someone will have of your home.