To whitewash brick on your exterior, you will need a few basic materials. These include chalk paint, limewash, and painter’s tape. You can also contact painters to get a free estimate. Before you begin painting, remove excess paint from the brick exterior. Work in small sections, starting with the grout lines and moving to the faces of the bricks. You should only whitewash a two-foot square patch at a time. You should also blot the paint to give it a more natural appearance.
Using limewash
The process of limewashing brick is easy, but it must be applied with caution. If the brick is dirty or oily, the limewash will not adhere to it and will end up looking dingy. You should also avoid limewashing on a sunny day as it will dry out too quickly. Instead, choose a cloudy day with little chance of rain.
Limewash is a water-based paint that is applied to the brick surface. It works by toning down the natural color of brick or any other surface. The first step is to thoroughly clean the surface. If there is any dirt or grime on the surface, wash it off with water. You should mix a solution of one part paint with one part water. You can then adjust the proportions as needed to reach the desired coverage.
Limewash is an inexpensive way to whitewash brick exteriors. Unlike most paints, limewash paint does not peel, chip, or lose color. The paint also continues to patina depending on weather conditions.
Using chalk paint
If you’re looking for a simple and inexpensive way to give your brick exterior a face lift, consider using chalk paint. This water-based paint is non-toxic and requires no priming or sanding. It can also be used on previously painted surfaces. In fact, chalk paint can even be used to give your fireplace a whitewashed look.
First, you should choose a paint that will complement the brick. It’s best to use a water-based paint, since it’s more durable and easier to work with. You should also be sure to use a paintbrush to paint the faces of bricks and the mortar lines. You’ll need to use two coats of paint for good coverage. Be sure to let each coat dry completely in between.
If you don’t want the whitewash to look opaque, you can add more water. The mixture will make the brick appear lighter, but you must wait at least 24 hours to see how the whitewash looks. The paint will look different the next day, so test it on a small section of brick. If you like the results, you can apply additional layers of paint.
Using spray bottle
Using a spray bottle to whitewash bricks is one way to make the bricks look beautiful and bright. Brick is a porous material, and it absorbs the paint at a fast rate. Using a roller will make the whitewashing process go faster, but the results will be less than squeaky-clean. It is also important to keep a cloth handy to catch the excess whitewash.
Before whitewashing brick, you must prepare the area. If the bricks are porous, you may need to add more glaze. This will keep the paint from drying too quickly. Also, you should paint old grout lines with white paint, if applicable. You can also use a paintbrush to paint the bricks.
If you’re using a paintbrush, you should first wet the brick with water to ensure that it sticks. If it’s recessed, you may need to use a smaller brush. Then, apply the whitewash in sections, focusing on the grout lines first.
Using painter’s tape
Before you whitewash your brick exterior, prepare the area by scrubbing off any existing stains. You can use a garden hose with a spray attachment or a damp cloth. If the wash gets on the siding, use a drop cloth to protect it from splatters, and cover any furniture or other items with plastic. Using painter’s tape to white wash your brick exterior will help you create a clean line between the brick and whitewash.
Whitewash is a water-based paint that dries quickly. When whitewashing brick exteriors, work in small sections, starting with the grout lines. Then, work outwards, focusing on the brick faces first. If you’re painting bricks with grout, focus on these first to create a more natural texture.
Before you start whitewashing brick exteriors, prepare your tools and materials. You’ll need paint brushes, drop cloths, and painter’s tape. An angled brush is great for corners, while a roller can cover large areas in a shorter time. If you’re painting bricks on a multiple-story house, consider using a lift rental to reach high areas. However, it’s not cheap to hire a lift, so be sure to use it wisely.