There are three basic types of swimming pool: inground, above-ground, and vinyl. Each type has its own pros and cons, and many homeowners prefer one type of swimming pool over another. For starters, above-ground pools are easy to build, and they can be inexpensive to buy in prefabricated kits. Fiberglass swimming pools, on the other hand, are constructed with fiberglass-reinforced plastic. Vinyl-lined in-ground swimming pools are less expensive, but require replacement of the liner every 10 years. The two most common types of in-ground pools are Gunite and Poured-concrete.
A more expensive option, automatic covers use a liquid-filled layer to reduce evaporation. Floating disks cover most of the pool’s surface area and are similar to continuous covers in reducing evaporation. These covers are available in opaque and transparent varieties. There are also heavy-duty and lightweight versions to cater to different needs, including wind resistance and aesthetics. The downside of using a floating disk is that it requires a large amount of storage space and will impede the use of the pool.
A zero-entry swimming pool (ZEP) is a smaller type of pool that simulates the beach. This type of swimming pool has a gradual slope into the water, so that swimmers do not have to climb ladders or stairs. This type of swimming pool is particularly beneficial for older swimmers, small children, and people with physical limitations. You may even find one in your local park. These pools are easy to maintain and have many perks.
Fiberglass pools can come in a variety of colors and shapes, but are often limited to a certain range of sizes. Moreover, they require expensive molds to be built. They are usually not very deep, and they require careful installation to ensure the safety of swimmers. Some fiberglass pools are even difficult to distinguish from their in-ground counterparts. If you are in the market for a new pool, be sure to take a look at these three main types.
Infinity pools are one of the most expensive types of swimming pools, but they can also add to the beauty of your home. They can be custom-built to enhance your property’s view, creating the illusion of an endless pond of water with a nearby waterfall. However, they are the most aesthetic, and can cost a small fortune. For those who are looking for a natural swimming pool, European natural ponds are ideal for you. These pools combine a swimming area with water gardens. A rustic or modern style is possible.
The most cost-effective type of swimming pool is an above-ground one. This type is easier to set up, and doesn’t require digging a deep hole in your yard. It is typically made of resin, steel siding, and aluminum. Most of these pools come with vinyl-lined, or fiberglass, liners. Because they are more porous, they are more susceptible to algae. Additionally, they require a higher level of chemicals to keep them clean.